LAURUS Systems New Products and News

Radiation and Chemical Detection

The LAURUS Systems team works every day to solve new challenges.  LAURUS finds innovative radiation, chemical and trace detection solutions and products to meet the needs of our customers. LAURUS has provided radiation detection and monitoring instruments since 2001.  Unlike the manufacturer’s, we offer choices and assist the customer in choosing the right tool for the job. Our mission is to provide the best instrumentation for the application. Check back here often as we are constantly updating our product list and adding new products to better serve LAURUS customers.

AccuRad PRD

New SE International Bluetooth Module

Bluetooth Module; Observer Software & Rad Responder

RedWave Technology THREAT ID Portable FTIR Spectrometer

ThreatID FTIR Spectrometer

RedWave Technology ExplorIR Handheld FTIR

RedWave ExplorIR

New Fentanyl Detection Standards Will Protect First Responders in the Field

New DHS Fentanyl Detection Standards Announced

identiFINDER R425


Rapid Response Fentanyl Test Strips

Radiation Frisker

Radiation Alert Radiation Area Monitor

NEW FevIR Scan2 Mask Protection

FLIR Fido X2